Friday, January 31, 2020
Detail the Renaissance, and Baroque Periods of Art in Europe Literature review - 1
Detail the Renaissance, and Baroque Periods of Art in Europe - Literature review Example The term â€Å"renaissance†stands for â€Å"rebirth†; it describes a period in history when the classical values of Greece and Rome were reborn. According to Aigret & Kloss (2005), renaissance art is reported to have emerged in the nation of Italy; this was in the late 13th and early 14th centuries (Kloss, 2013). It is noteworthy that the Renaissance art period is generally categorized into three main periods; these are the early Renaissance, high Renaissance, and Northern Renaissance. Several characteristics describe the art in the Renaissance period (Kloss, 2013). In addition to being very naturalistic and individualistic in nature, the art of the Renaissance placed a great emphasis on perspective In addition to this, Aigret & Kloss (2005) purport that the art of the Renaissance was typified by intricate formal displays as well as a unique tendency towards emotional expression (Adams, 2001). Artists in this period, for instance in Flanders, wanted their audience to r eact emotionally to their work in order to derive inspiration or encouragement from the artwork. Renaissance art was also very realistic in nature and made expansive use of light and shadow for purposes of creating an appearance of depth (Kloss, 2013). According to Aigret & Kloss (2005), the art period described as the Renaissance occurred at a time in history when Europe was characterized by an increased level of prosperity and political stability. In addition to this, this time in history was typified by the emergent of new technology and knowledge, for instance, the establishment of new methodologies of astronomy and the creation of the printing press (Adams, 2001). The Renaissance art period in Europe is a time in history when literature and philosophy gained an increased level of preeminence. Â
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Shakespeares Rebuttal to Possibilities in Sonnet 96 Essay -- Sonnet e
Shakespeare's Rebuttal to Possibilities in Sonnet 96     Shakespeare's apostrophic "Sonnet 96," one of the sonnets written to the blond young man, is arranged similar to a rebuttal in an argument or debate." In the first three quatrains, he describes several possibilities, such as the youth's winning nature and potential for mischief, only to refute them in the couplet." He begins with concise one-line points in the first quatrain, moves to a comparison utilizing the entire quatrain in the second, and transitions to two-line arguments in the final quatrain, evoking the idea of a logical, organized argument." Along with reason, however, are the romantic tones of the couplet, which refutes the statements made in the douzain." The conditional nature of the sonnet parallels the individual conditional statements made in the quatrains.     Shakespeare uses end-stopped lines in the first quatrain that mimic the brisk style of a debate or quarrel to establish the arguments for and against the blond young man." He explains, "Some say [his] fault is youth" (1), while others think that youth is his "grace" (2)." The parallel structure of lines one and two deftly contrast the range of opinions on the subject's character."" Along with youth, Shakespeare claims that some view "gentle sport" (2) as a grace as well, playing on the double meaning of "sport" as both "pleasant pastime" and "amorous dalliance or intercourse" (OED)."" It appears that Shakespeare falls in this category, saying in line three that people of all stations and classes love the young man's graces and faults, because he "makest faults graces" (4)." Line four possesses a fault in being hypermetric, whichà ·like the young man's faultsà ·can b... ...tradictory to the remainder of the sonnet, as well as the fact that the rhyme of the couplet returns to the b rhyme of the first quatrain." Perhaps this implies that Shakespeare is among the people who "say [his] grace is youth and gentle sport" (2).""" However, the amorous connotation of "sport" in line two fits well with the romantic couplet, which serves as a rejection of the suggestions of the rest of the sonnet, and instead seems to suggest that the young man be content to restrain himself for the love of the poet.  Works Cited The Oxford English Dictionary."" 2nd ed." Oxford:" Clarendon P, 1989." 26 Feb." 2001." Shakespeare, William." "Sonnet 96."" The Norton Anthology of English Literature." Eds." M. H." Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt." 7th ed." 2 vols." New York: Norton, 2000." 1:" 1031-32. Shakespeare's Rebuttal to Possibilities in Sonnet 96 Essay -- Sonnet e Shakespeare's Rebuttal to Possibilities in Sonnet 96     Shakespeare's apostrophic "Sonnet 96," one of the sonnets written to the blond young man, is arranged similar to a rebuttal in an argument or debate." In the first three quatrains, he describes several possibilities, such as the youth's winning nature and potential for mischief, only to refute them in the couplet." He begins with concise one-line points in the first quatrain, moves to a comparison utilizing the entire quatrain in the second, and transitions to two-line arguments in the final quatrain, evoking the idea of a logical, organized argument." Along with reason, however, are the romantic tones of the couplet, which refutes the statements made in the douzain." The conditional nature of the sonnet parallels the individual conditional statements made in the quatrains.     Shakespeare uses end-stopped lines in the first quatrain that mimic the brisk style of a debate or quarrel to establish the arguments for and against the blond young man." He explains, "Some say [his] fault is youth" (1), while others think that youth is his "grace" (2)." The parallel structure of lines one and two deftly contrast the range of opinions on the subject's character."" Along with youth, Shakespeare claims that some view "gentle sport" (2) as a grace as well, playing on the double meaning of "sport" as both "pleasant pastime" and "amorous dalliance or intercourse" (OED)."" It appears that Shakespeare falls in this category, saying in line three that people of all stations and classes love the young man's graces and faults, because he "makest faults graces" (4)." Line four possesses a fault in being hypermetric, whichà ·like the young man's faultsà ·can b... ...tradictory to the remainder of the sonnet, as well as the fact that the rhyme of the couplet returns to the b rhyme of the first quatrain." Perhaps this implies that Shakespeare is among the people who "say [his] grace is youth and gentle sport" (2).""" However, the amorous connotation of "sport" in line two fits well with the romantic couplet, which serves as a rejection of the suggestions of the rest of the sonnet, and instead seems to suggest that the young man be content to restrain himself for the love of the poet.  Works Cited The Oxford English Dictionary."" 2nd ed." Oxford:" Clarendon P, 1989." 26 Feb." 2001." Shakespeare, William." "Sonnet 96."" The Norton Anthology of English Literature." Eds." M. H." Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt." 7th ed." 2 vols." New York: Norton, 2000." 1:" 1031-32.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Strategy Marketing Report on K&N’s
K&N’s, a founding pillar and beacon for Pakistan’s Poultry Industry started in 1964 with a single minded objective of providing better nutrition for health and happiness of the nation. Building on years of poultry expertise and commitment to food-safety, K&N’s integrated all poultry production activities under one umbrella to bring you safe and healthy chicken by managing and controlling all stages of production. Products. K&N’s markets layer and broiler hatching-eggs, layer and broiler, day-old chicks, poultry feed, processed chicken and ready-to-cook & fully cooked food. I selected only the ready to cook category of K&N’s which include Nuggets, Croquettes, Chicken Tempura, Burger Patties, Kofta, Combo wings, Fun nuggets, Hot Tenders, Chapli Kabab, Harey Bharey Nuggets and Tender Pops. Distribution Products are stored at -21?C to maintain freshness. Packed products are moved into K&N’s sanitized refrigerated trucks for distribution to ensure uncompromising quality control. K&N’s chicken products are available at K&N’s Chicken Stores and leading retailers and also delivered to quality and food-safety conscious institutions such as hotels, restaurants, airlines, clubs and international restaurant chains. Market share Market share of K&N’s is almost 70% (on average) in ready to cook food category. At Hyper Star almost 80% people buy K&N’s products. At CSD almost 60% people buy K&N’s products and at Macro almost 75% people buy this brand. This is the highest market share and at this time it is the leading brand in this category. Where the brand stands? The brand is growing rapidly day by day due to the customer satisfaction and the product is according to the customer’s requirement as well as they are targeting different segments of the markets like children and the vegetarians. Positive points of its product From the customer view point K&N’s is providing healthy food. It is easy to cook especially it facilitates the working women because they don’t have much time to make all those things in home. They are targeting the children as well through fun nuggets so women are using for their children lunch. This brand provides the hygienic food to its customer that build trust in the customer. Moreover the taste of K&N’s food is superior then others. These attributes are increasing its’ market share and this brand is growing. Competitors Competitors of K&N’s are Menu and Mano salwa. Both of these brands couldn’t make its brand image as strong as K&N’s has. Secondly they are not providing that level of customer satisfaction that K&N’s is providing. Target market The company is targeting different age groups as well as different income groups. Their prices are normal so even a middle class person can afford it. They are targeting elite upper middle and middle class. On the age basis, they are targeting children as well as the young people. Conclusion K&N’s is a largest selling brand in ready to cook food category. They are focusing more and more on the fully cooked products for the ease of customers with the special focus on the hygiene factor. It is the brand that provide value product to its customer. There market starts with the customers and end with the customer. This is the main reason for their market share and market growth
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Do Prisons Work Essay example - 2876 Words
Do Prisons Work? Can Individuals be Reformed or Rehabilitated through Incarceration and Treatment Programs. Critically examine the Current Treatment Programs offered and Subsequent Impact on Recidivism upon Individuals being released globally and WA specifically. This study will examine the effectiveness of current prison treatment programs in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, United States of America in rehabilitating or reforming an individual and coinciding recidivism rates upon a prisoners release. Prison based treatment programs for sex offenders in Western Australia, New South Wales and New Zealand are examined and recidivism rates compared. Treatment programs for offenders with drug and alcohol issues and the†¦show more content†¦The main objective of the program is to empower fathers and for children to feel loved, which then improves the lives of the prisoner’s children (Needham, 2009). Prisoners are given the opportunity to record their child’s favourite bedtime story on a CD with sound effects, personal message and CD cover (Needham, 2009). Current research indicates that fathers who have been imprisoned tend to withdraw from life outside the prison and subsequently lose contact completely with their children (Needham, 2009). Statistics show that six out of ten children whose father is a current or ex- prisoner become involved in criminal activities and consequently find themselves in similar situations to their father’s in prison (Needham, 2009). The Storybook Dad’s program runs in eighty prisons in the United Kingdom and maintains family connections and reduces reoffending (Needham, 2009). The National Fatherhood Initiative runs a similar programme called the Incarcerated Father’s Program which operates at Branchville Correctional Centre in Indiana (Gosnell, 2006). It is similar to Storybook Dad’s programme in helping prisoners reunite with their children and families (Gosnell, 2006). One study monitored 186 men for three years after release from prison with only five returning (Gosnell, 2006). Three men returned for small offences whilst two came back on a long term basisShow MoreRelatedAmerican Prison Systems: Do They Really Work?4530 Words  | 18 Pagesï » ¿American Prison Systems: Do They Really Work? Introduction: A History of American Prison Systems Prisons were among the first public buildings erected in the New World, and were considered as essential as a cemetery in every town (Lynch, n.d.). However, colonial American prisons were not houses of punishment, as they would later evolve to be (Lynch, n.d). A person who committed a crime was sent to prison only while awaiting trial, and after the trial was complete, the sentence would entailRead MoreIt Is Often Stated That Prison Does Not Work Because of the High Recidivism Rates. 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