Friday, May 31, 2019
Physics Behind Modern 4 Stroke Engines Essay -- Physics Science Engine
Weve all seen them before, the mysterious chunks of metal under the hoods of our cars. They start when we turn the bring out and take us where we want to go. But how does an engine work? Internal combustion engines are a very important part of everyday life. We practise them in our cars, trucks, airplanes. boats, snowmachines, 4 wheelers, and heavy machinery. These pages will help familiarize you with the basic concepts of how an engine works, an understanding of engine output, and whatever information on how forced induction or boost increases power output.Engine Basics A very common variant of the internal combustion engine is the intravenous feeding stroke engine. These engines substantiate four strokes for each combustion cycle. These engines are primarily used in automobiles but have recently found their way into motorcycles, boats, and even snow machines. The four strokes of these engines are as follows.1. Intake The intake valve (on the left top of the cylind er) opens allowing invigorated oxygen rich air mixed with fuel to enter the cylinder.2. Compression The plumbers helper is pushed upward by the flywheels momentum compressing the air/fuel mix.3. Combustion As the piston reaches the top of its stroke or TDC the spark plug fires igniting the mixture. collectable to the high compression of this mixture (typically around 190 PSI in a typical engine) it is very volatile and it explodes when the spark is introduced. This pusehs the piston downward and produces power.4. secrete After the Air/Fuel mix has been burnt the remaining chemicals in the cylinder (water and CO2 for the most part) must be removed so that fresh air can be brought in. As the piston goes back up after combustion the exhaust valve (right top of cylinder) opens allow... ... 91 and 9.51) will non burn completely resulting in excess carbon buildup (this is why you SHOULD NOT use anything higher than 87 octane in a regular engine). However, in a high compression engin e as are seen in high end sedans and coupes these fuels will prevent detonation and yield better power and reliability. The octane judge is the only difference between fuel grades at the gas pump so dont be fooled into thinking that premium gas is any cleaner or that it will make your car run any better, it will only burn differently.Conclusion With adequate fuel supply and boost in some form (Nitrous, Supercharger, or Turbo) it is possible to greatly increase output without having to increase the RPM range or displacement of an engine. Power levels as high as 300-400 HP can be extracted from 1.8-2.2L engines with properly designed and managed boost setups.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The 8220Second8221 World War :: Essays Papers
The 8220Second8221 World WarIn the book The Battle for History, John Keegan, talks of the many different views on World War II. He takes into account other historical works such as Robert M. Kennedys The German Campaign in Poland, Christopher Duffys Red Storm on the Reich, The skin for Europe by Chester Wilmot and many others. He has already analyzed these other works. He has summarized the authors study points and used them to support his own theory, although Keegans theory more or less the written history of the war is quite unclear. The only theory that I could derive, is that it has not yet been written. (30)What does he mean by this? The works cited in the thorn of the book number over cardinal hundred fifty. Numerous references are made to the works of other authors. Keegan does not seem to tell anything from his perspective, moreover tell what he has read. All good and well considering this is history, but are the past events so clearly set in stone? Keegan see ms to bring up questions passim the book such as did Roosevelt know of the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened? There have also been explorations of the allegation that Roosevelt had foreknowledge but chose not to act on it, as a means of bringing the United States into the Second World War on the anti-Axis side. (17) Keegan does not do much to answer these questions, simply brings them into the picture. The book gives no feel of ending or resolution to most of the questions he brings about. Maybe this was his purpose.Topics in the book up from one place to another. In one paragraph Keegan may be discussing the use of the Enigma, a commercial cipher machine in the next Keegan might originate discussing the use of U-boats. Although there is some logical flow through the book, for the most part the subjects are jumpy, causing the work to be choppy and cluttered babbling. It seems give care the author is trying to squeeze as much as he can into as few pages as possibl e.Keegan does, however, give a good overview of the major events and inside action that went on during this significant period in world history. He speaks of rebellions, strategic bombing, spies and other elements that played a part in the declension of the Third Reich.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers
Of Mice and Men EssayOf Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, shows the struggles and hardships that two migrant farm workers experienced during the Great Depression. The ambitiousness of avouching their own farm keeps them going and lightens the load of their work while it also strengthens their friendship. The dream that Lennie and George had, although unlikely to be succeedd, causes a friendship to grow and thus gives a substance to life.Lennie and George mother a mutual dependency on each other, but Lennie needs George much because he has a mental handicap and George needs to clear over him. For Example, when Lennie and George met their new boss, George told Lennie not to talk so the boss wouldnt know how that Lennie is mentally disabled. Without George telling Lennie not to talk to their new boss Lennie tycoon have showed how unintelligent he was and he might not have gotten the job. George is like a parent to Lennie and he shows his love not through the quarrel he speaks to Lennie but through the way he cares for him. In addition, Lennie causes trouble wherever he goes without knowing it. They had to leave their old job because Lennie grabbed a girls dress. George likes having George nigh even though he says he would have it easy without him, George finds Lennie funny in some situations and George probably appreciates having a little responsibility in his life. Lennie and George have a special bond between each other that most grown men dont have, because of this bond they believe they will achieve their dream.When Lennie has to kill George he becomes the loneliest character in the book, this is because he knows how it feels to have a friend but now that he doesnt he is even more depressed because he knows how it feels to not be lonely. For example, the other ranch hands have never felt anything else but loneliness so they are use to the feeling. Since Lennie used to have George he knows what it feels like to not be lonely. Not only has he l ost his best friend but also his dream of owning their own farm. In addition, the loneliness that George faces might not have been causes if he would have watched over Lennie and not let him roam around free. George didnt hope to kill Lennie but he did it for his own good so Lennie wouldnt be brutally murdered by Curley and the other ranch hands.
Lassa Fever: An Old World Arenavirus Essay -- essays research papers
capital of Tibet Fever An Old World ArenavirusABSTRACTA brief summary of lassa fever, its history, pathology and effects on theindigenous populations. Also, lassa fever in the context of newly appeardiseases.LASSA FEVER On January 12, 1969, a missi peerlessr nun, working in the small town ofLassa, Nigeria, began complaining of a backache. Thinking she had merely pulleda muscle, she ignored the pain and went on about her business. After a week,however, the nurse had a throat so sore and so filled with ulcers, she couldntswallow. Thinking she was suffering from one of the many bacterial diseasesendemic to the area, her sisters administered every antibiotic they had on storein the towns Church of the Brethren Mission Hospital. But, the antibiotics didnothing. Her fever escalated, she was severely dehydrated and blotches,hemorrhages, were appearing on her skin. She began to swell and became delirious,so they shipped her to a larger hospital, where one day later she went intoconvulsions and died. After a nurse who was tending to the sister came down withthe same symptoms and died, the doctors in the hospital began to suspect it wasa disease notwithstanding unseen by any of them. Autopsy on the nurse showedsignificant damage to every organ in the body, the heart was stopped up, withloads of declination cells and platelets piled well into the arteries and veins.Fluids and blood filled the lungs. Dead cells and lipids clogged the liver andspleen. The kidneys were so congested with dead cells and free proteins they hadceased to function. Dissecting the lymph nodes, they discovered that they werecompletely empty every etiolated blood cell had been utilized in a futile attemptto stave off the unknown microbe. A few days later, a outstanding western viralresearcher contracted the unknown disease and the hunt for the microbe thatcaused lassa fever, began in earnest.(Garrett, 1994) Lassa fever is a virus be to the family Arenaviridae. GenusArenavirus, although being around for about 60 years in the form of lymphocyticchoriomeningitis, has recently been brought to the publics management because ofthe large number of species known as "emerging viruses" in the genera. Thegenera consists mostly of new world viruses, among them the Junin, Machupo andGuanarito viruses, which cause, respective... ...verage is around 20%.(Sanford, 1992) To date there has been no intensive mapping of the extent of virulentLassa distribution in Africa and there is no surveillance for spread orcontraction of the established highly endemic zones.(Southern, 1996) It took anumber of sick westerners to grab the attention of the developed nations beforethey began to investigate this illness. Now that we have discovered it and areconvinced it is not an immediate danger, we have retreated to our own nations,without so frequently as a single rodent eradication program. As a result the diseasehas sp read to a much larger endemic area. The ghost is that it could becontrolled by proper hygienic and educational measures, but the developed worldchooses to leave the dying and forgotten continent, Africa, to suffer yetanother ferine and deadly disease.LITERATURE CITEDGarrett, Laurie, 1994, "Into the Woods", The Coming Plague Newly EmergingDiseases in a World out of Balance, 71 -99.Southern, Peter, 1996, "Arenaviridae The Viruses and Their Replication", FieldsVirology, 1505 -1520.Sanford, Jay, "Lassa Fever", The Merck Manual, 218 -219.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Moral Actions Essay -- Philosophy Essays
Moral Actions Honesty and deceit. Compassion and Neglect. Benevolence and malevolence. All these represent the extremes in the spectrum of ethics. From the ecumenical societal viewpoint, the former represents the attitudes which should be admired, rewarded and emulated, while the latter represents the attitudes which should be abhorred, punished and discouraged. Now philosophers, not being satisfied with leaving things well enough alone, attempt to discover why this is so. Why do we admire acts of kindness? Why do we loathe acts of malice? It is gener completelyy thought that the crux of this question of morality has to do with the magnitude of selfishness accounted for in the acts and thoughts of individuals. If we mickle think of selfishness as an empirical property, honesty, compassion, and benevolence are acts and attitudes that involve much less selfishness than their moral opposites. This realization, of course, does not reception the question we are considering , it merely pushes it back one metaphysical level. So the revised question should be this When is selfishness morally acceptable, and when is it not? Nietzsche, in proposing that selfishness is, in a sense, completely free of moral blame at all, comes to a conclusion that is completely opposite to the rest of the philosophers that we have studied. We shall see that Nietzsche is probably on the good track, and that selfishness is a faulty gauge of the morality of an action, and that morality is simply an illusory concept created by the individuals of society to prevent harm to themselves. We have all seen it before. The African savanna. A cheetah. A pack of grazing gazelles. The cheetah stealthily approaches toward the pack of grazing gazelles. N... ... of when selfish acts are morally permissible, we have first established that all sane actions are selfish in origin, and therefore, selfishness cannot be used as a measurement of morality. Secondly, the standard of moral s which we use to gauge themorality of an action is ground on our sustain selfish desire for personal power. As established by Nietzsche, actions done in the pursuit of personal power are natural, and therefore, from our own viewpoint, these actions are never objectionable. It is only when seen from anothers perspective that these actions can be seen to be despicable because it threatens their personal pursuit for power. Therefore, the actions that others find objectionable are the actions performed by us that do not involve stealing personal power away from another. In this case, there is no definite set of morals that one can measure their actions to.
Moral Actions Essay -- Philosophy Essays
Moral Actions Honesty and deceit. Compassion and Neglect. Benevolence and malevolence. All these represent the extremes in the spectrum of ethics. From the oecumenical societal viewpoint, the former represents the attitudes which should be admired, rewarded and emulated, while the latter represents the attitudes which should be abhorred, punished and discouraged. Now philosophers, not being satisfied with leaving things well enough alone, campaign to discover why this is so. Why do we admire acts of kindness? Why do we loathe acts of malice? It is gener onlyy thought that the crux of this question of morality has to do with the magnitude of selfishness accounted for in the acts and thoughts of individuals. If we faecal matter think of selfishness as an empirical property, honesty, compassion, and benevolence are acts and attitudes that involve much less selfishness than their moral opposites. This realization, of course, does not dish up the question we are consideri ng, it merely pushes it back one metaphysical level. So the revised question should be this When is selfishness morally acceptable, and when is it not? Nietzsche, in proposing that selfishness is, in a sense, completely free of moral blame at all, comes to a conclusion that is completely opposite to the rest of the philosophers that we have studied. We shall see that Nietzsche is probably on the even up track, and that selfishness is a faulty gauge of the morality of an action, and that morality is simply an illusory concept created by the individuals of society to prevent harm to themselves. We have all seen it before. The African savanna. A cheetah. A pack of grazing gazelles. The cheetah stealthily approaches toward the pack of grazing gazelles. N... ... of when selfish acts are morally permissible, we have first established that all sane actions are selfish in origin, and therefore, selfishness cannot be used as a measurement of morality. Secondly, the standard of morals which we use to gauge themorality of an action is base on our birth selfish desire for personal power. As established by Nietzsche, actions done in the pursuit of personal power are natural, and therefore, from our own viewpoint, these actions are never objectionable. It is only when seen from anothers perspective that these actions can be seen to be despicable because it threatens their personal pursuit for power. Therefore, the actions that others find objectionable are the actions performed by us that do not involve stealing personal power away from another. In this case, there is no definite set of morals that one can measure their actions to.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Football satire Essay
It is that eon of year again the NFL is kicking off another season. Millions of custody argon ready to get settled in their favorite chair and spend each Sunday afternoon in their underpants, watching hours upon hours of NFL games and highlights. It is also clock time for wives and girlfriends to meticulously jut and carry out sexual affairs, mostly with foreign men who befuddle little or no interest in American football.Sally lives in downtown Pittsburgh and her husband is a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He watches every game, every highlight, and every report. He doesnt miss anything, and that gives me time to have an affair with Simon, my British lover, she told reporters.Like Sally, a growing number of American women now look forward to the NFL season, instead of dreading it as they have in the past. I used to get so angry during football season, said Sally, but now, its a great time for twain of us. He gets to watch all of the games, and I get to have an affair. Las t year, Sally suggested to several of her girlfriends that they too, have an affair during the NFL season. From this, a new subculture was born.At first, I wasnt sure if I should, said Sallys friend, Allison. A few weeks later, just after the pre-season, Allison found herself on a succession with Simons friend, Ron. Days later, an affair began between the two. Its nice says Allison, Ron doesnt care about football, I have my affair, then season is over and I can get back to my relationship with my husband. Everybody wins this way.Marriage experts frown on what is being called gridiron affairs, but acknowledge that in round cases, it can keep a relationship or a marriage together. Some men really do care way too often about the NFL, says relationship specialist Dr. Parker. Having the affairs may keep wives and girlfriends from getting angry and resentful, and therefore keep an otherwise healthy relationship together. Parker stresses that there are better ways to deal with the NFL s eason, such as planning a night togethereach week when football is not televised.Sally and Allison, however, plan to continue their football flings as long as their husbands insist on watching hours of football each week. No way am I freehanded up Simon, says Sally. Not until my husband stops loving football, which isnt likely to happen anytime soon .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Jew in a Christian society Essay
Miss Daisy is a 72 year old widow living alone. She is a womanhood of strong will and treasures her independence. After having an accident backing out of her garage, her son, Boolie, insists on hiring a driver for her. Daisy resists this wish as she wants to be in guarantee of her own life. Boolie is 40 years old and has taken over his perplexs printing company. Boolie takes good care of his mother, but some times neglects to take into mark her feelings. When he disagrees with her, he will generally override her opinion without thinking about what she wants or why she wants it.Boolie hires Hoke Coleburn to be Miss Daisys driver. Hoke is a 60 year old, African American. He is extremely patient with Miss Daisy disrespect her prejudice and stubborn behavior. Hoke is willing to stand up for himself when he feels his dignity is at stake. Both, Daisy and Hoke eat preconceived notions about race. They are two very stubborn but have different ways of expressing it. Daisy verbally pro tests, as she did when Boolie hired Hoke. Hoke doesnt verbalize his protests, but will take firm action. Daisy makes demands and Hoke ignores them and continues on his chosen path.The relationships that exist between Daisy and Hoke is that of employer/employee. In the position of employer, Miss Daisy maintains power over Hoke and controls his environment. She is also white, which provides an even greater sense of power, particularly in the south in the 1940s and 1950s. Miss Daisy doesnt intrust Hoke or any blacks for that matter. Miss Daisy has cloudy seated prejudice but does not acknowledge it, as it is simply part of her society. As an independent, educated, white Jewish woman in the south, Daisy is a redoubtable force. Hoke is a black, uneducated, unemployed man in the south.Daisys life is changing however. She has become physically vulnerable due to age. Socially she is a Jew in a predominantly Christian society. When Boolie hires Hoke as her driver, Miss Daisy loses her ind ependence and she is dependent on Hoke for transportation. In this moment, Boolie demonstrates that he has become a decision maker for Daisy. Although he cares for his mother, by not listening to her or taking her feelings into account, he is losing her trust. Daisy finds herself thrust into a position where she must be cared for by people she doesnt trust (Hoke).She is no longer do her own decisions. Being placed in a position of vulnerability, and not being able to trust those who care for you, Daisy struggles with her position. When Daisy first meets Hoke, she dislikes him, both because he is African American and because she resents his presence in her home. However, Miss Daisy and Hoke do represent a relationship and do in fact become friends. They packet something in common. They are both aging and both have some vulnerability in the environment in which they coexist, Daisy as a Jew and Hoke as an African American.Though their relationship is strained at the beginning, they do take steps that promote closeness and trust. They division crucial similarities, yet their differences allow them the opportunity to examine from each other and enrich their lives. Hoke and Daisy are dependent on each other. Daisy needs to be able to get around and Hoke needs employment. It takes Daisy some time to succumb to the pressure of Boolie and allow Hoke to drive her somewhere, but she finally gives in. Daisy tries to maintain the upper hand on this drive, telling Hoke where to drive, where to turn, even when she has simply forgotten or age has challenged her memory.Hoke, rather than challenging her, does what he needs to do and allows her to believe she is right. Hoke does listen to Daisy, and understands her needs. He is honest with her when needed, but always in a placidity and respectful manner. He is loyal to her. He is there for her when her son, Boolie, is not. Hoke demonstrates his loyalty and friendship when he drives to her home on the night of an ice storm, when the road were slick, because he knows she is alone. Daisy allows Hoke to share intimate moments of her life, a sign of trust. When Hoke drives her to the cemetery, Daisy realizes that Hoke cannot read.Daisy teaches him to read and provides to Hoke a new status in the world, while Hoke teaches the her about human rights and wrongs. Their trip to Mobile, they both open up and share intimate stories with each other, the kind you only share with a friend. On this trip, Hoke also realizes how much Daisy needs him and is afraid to be without him. This otherness helped Daisy and Hoke to form a meaningful, lasting friendship that is mutually beneficial. Daisy strengthens Hokes inner world, giving him access to the world that she has known and the one that will bring greater self-respect, much(prenominal) as a steady income, a car, and the ability to read.Hoke strengthens Daisys outer world, helping her to become a better person, one who can move beyond her proscribed point of view an d embrace concepts, such as civil rights, that will bring positive change to others. Boolie, though a competent caper man, is challenged in his own right. Concerned by the racial inequalities in the business world and the perception of him by others, remains vulnerable. He has exerted power over his mother, making decisions for her, but maintains a great deal of responsibility for the family business that he has been entrusted with.Boolie is stressed, trying to maintain a business that his father had created and trying to care for his mother. heavy(p) relationships were established through the story of Driving Miss Daisy. The underlying issue of trust, on Miss Daisys part, had an impact on their relationship. She didnt want to trust Hoke. It wasnt natural for her to do so. Her continual questioning of the value of Hokes life and others like him (blacks), served as a reminder to him that he was subservient. Hoke persevered, and won her heart, despite the color of his skin and the lack of education.Hoke became her best friend. He was there when no one else was. He listened to her. Through his actions, Hoke became a leader, teaching Daisy the value of their relationship and the value of people, no matter their color of skin. He did this by being honest, respectful, and responding to her needs. He was her best friend. Boolie, though a responsible and caring man, could have furthered his relationship with his mother. He could have and should have listened to her concerns and worked with her to find answers that were meaningful for her.Daisy could have empowered Boolie and Hoke to make better decisions by communicating in a way that acknowledged their concerns and demo her needs as well. Boolies focus was on his business and the business community. Daisy could have acknowledged that it must be difficult to take over your fathers business, particularly as a Jew in a Christian society. The discrimination that occurred among all of them, black or Jew, was a common element that could have strengthened their relationships and their ties with the world around them.The relationships they shared were hampered by their lack of belief and trust in the other and their lack of communication. Daisy was failing and prejudiced against the blacks. Hoke was uneducated and prejudiced, although in a positive way, against the Jews. Boolie had his mind made up about what was right and good for his mother, despite her wishes. Given the situation and the time that this story occurred in, each of the characters has as believable parts and an equally believable resolution. Each of them could have seen benefits from further trust and communication.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Understand how to plan work and be accountable to others
1.1 Outline guidelines, procedures codes of practice relevant to soulfulnessal work up The procedures, guidelines and codes of practice relevant to work argon Procedures coverage of accidents at work, fire drills, and reporting absence from work as well as first aid procedures. Codes of practice Good customer service, quality assurance, exemption of information and privacy of personal data. Guidelines How to answer the phone, dress code, how to handle email, how to store and retrieve information, how to use office equipment and ensure any actions reduce risk to health and safety Guidelines, procedures and codes of practice that relate to personal work are very important as each of them gives information on how to perform the job in effect and safely. Failing to follow these could potentially hurt someone or even more cause problems for the company.1.2 Explain the exercise of planning work, and creation accountable to former(a)s for deliver work Planning work can be more e fficient. Setting priorities in rules of order to do the most important things first is a goodly way to keep on top of deadlines. If we are accountable to another(prenominal)s for our own work hence each step can be examined to see that your work is up to standard. It also gives more responsibility for the work being done as it shows the person setting it trusts you with the work.1.3 Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing realistic tar grabs for work The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused on what work has been set, this way everyone can work more effectively and reach targets quite of struggling. The benefits of this includes being fast and reliable with completing the tasks at hand.1.4 Explain how to agree realistic targets The targets being agreed to must be realistic so that the person doing the job has a good chance of completing them, this will allow the person to work without stress. However if the targets are set too high then the person trying to complete the job will feel under pressure and if the targets are too low then it will eventually get boring and it wouldnt financial aid you developanything out of it.1.5 Describe ways of planning work to hear agreed deadlines A good way to meet any agreed deadlines would be to make a list of work that directs to be done with any required dates for completion and prioritise the order is most important. Its also a good idea to check that you have all the information and resources you need to complete the tasks.1.6 Explain the purpose of charge other mess informed about progress Its important to keep other people informed about the progress of work being done because if on that point is any problem to meet my deadlines then then you can turn to someone for advice and help to reprioritise the work. As well it is important because the person the work is for can miss their deadlines if its not completed on time.1.7 Explain the purpose an d benefits of letting other people know work plans need to be changed The purpose of letting other people know work plans need to be changed is because they need to know about changes because it may affect their other work and it allows them to make alternate arrangements for the work to be done if necessary.1.8 Describe types of problems that may occur during work The types of problem that can occur during work are Equipment breaking. Interruptions such as colleagues asking things. Not being kept informed or provided with the information needed to complete the job. Absence of other colleagues.1.9 Describe ways of seeking assistance with getting help to resolve problems A way to get assistance with resolving any problems could be to report them to either a colleague/manager to see if they have any advice on how it can be solved as they might have more experience. However if goose egg could help you, you can also use the companys website or internal intranet site to see if there is any guidance on there to solving any problem you may have.1.10 Explain the purpose and benefits of recognising and learning from mistakes The purpose of recognising and learning from mistakes it to make sure you dont make them again, people will recognise the mistake and then will be in a position to try and correct it. Other people could also help to ensure that the same mistake isnt made again by providing extra support. Also it is a lesson for the future, which can be taken away toother places.
Friday, May 24, 2019
School Finance Paper
Connie Findley University of Phoenix June 14, 2010 indoctrinate Finance Issue Paper There is a popular myth that goernment sponsored unrestricted education is comprise clear to students, families and teachers (Darden, 2007). The economic crisis has resulted in a wave of reduced funding sources for shallow districts around the country. As state and city budgets have been slashed, the consequences for districts atomic number 18 dire (Trainor, 2010). Debates nigh how to purify ordinary education in America often focus on whether government should spend more on education.Federal and state policy makers proposing bracing education programs often base their arguments on the need to provide more resources to improve opportunities for students (Lips at el. , 2008). The increasing number of budget cuts have left teachers, administrators, families foundation the bill for classroom materials. The challenge has become to provide essential tame supplies and classroom materials despite millions in budget cuts. Many districts has raised dozen of school fees for various students answerivities and added many items to school supply lists every year (Dyrli, 2008).In recent years thither has been a great interest in the effect of school resources on academic achievement ( Froese, 1997). Answering whether spending more on public education improves academic achievement begins with establishing how more than the United States spends on education. In 2007, the federal government spent $71. 7 billion on elementary and secondary education programs. These funds were spent by 13 federal departments ad multiple agencies. The Department of Education spent $39. 2 billion on K-12 education.The largest programs in the Department of Educations budget were education for the disadvantaged and special education (Lips at el. , 2008). The monies dedicated to states from the federal government is earmarked for certain programs. Allotted monies for school resources do not al shipway equa te to materials for classroom instruction. Many people believe that wishing of funding is a problem in public education, but historical trends show that American spending on public education is at an incomparable high (Lips at el. , 2008). Acknow guideging that education excellence cost money, the vast majority of school districts have a tough time keeping pace. naturalises be tantalizing to use several solutions to combat the budget crisis. initiates are collecting fees from parents, they can pretend not to notice as teachers quietly bear the expenses as an act of caring, or solicit or accept dollars that come from third-party sources (Darden, 2007). Academic researchers have sought to answer the question of whether education expenditures are correlated with student performance. However, there is a lack of consistent evidence on whether education expenditures are related to academic achievement.Despite the lack of consistent finding, leading researchers in the area spot that any effect of per-pupil expenditures on academic outcomes depends on how money is spent, not how much money is spent (Lips at. el. , 2008). Existing evidence indicates that the typical school agreement today do not use resources well at least if promoting students achievement is the purpose. The high and increasing percentage of funding is allocated to non-classroom expenditures is evidence of the need to improve resource allocation in the nations public schools.According to the National Center for Public Education Statistics, only fifty two percent of public education expenditures are spent on instruction. This percentage has slowly been decreasing over recent decades (Lips at. el. , 2008). One problem school districts are facing is wither enrollment. These school districts are left with vacant buildings and hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in desk, chairs, office supplies and equipment, data processors and textbooks that may eventually find their way to the dump.At the same time, districts in ontogenesis communities struggle to accommodate an enrollment expansion with limited funding, facilities and equipment. Administrators may be forced to purchase and temporary classrooms (Trainor, 2010). One of the major areas that school administrators are instruction on is technology in the classroom. While many teachers are bearing the cost of glue, paper, pencils and other classroom materials essential for achievement, school officials are providing funding for instructional computer programs to financial aid increase reading and math achievement.While purchasing new computers is not always an option many school districts are finding ways to provide computers without overspending. In an effort to reduce cost, some school technology leaders have formed groups to negotiate pricing with firms selling refurbished computers. Because every computer in a school setting does not need the most sophisticated capabilities, refurbished models provide access as wel l as word touch on and other basic programs at an affordable price (Trainor, 2010). Providing updated and current textbooks is another recurring cost that school systems face.There is a large used textbook merchandise which has existed for decades. Districts around the country regularly sell retired textbooks. Sometimes school systems replace relatively new textbooks because of a change in curriculum requirements (Trainor, 2010). School systems are wasting money of textbooks each year due to purchasing books that are already retired or by purchasing an older edition of a textbook. Teachers are using creative ways to stick on curriculums and information not found in textbooks but are required by the state to teach.School districts need a giveingness to explore the possibilities of study about the other three Rs reduce, reuse and recycle (Trainor, 2010). When budgets are tight, district administrators must sometimes choose between supplies and other needs. To help bridge the gap, many teachers are buying more material than ever for their classrooms. The most recent study by the National School Supply and Equipment draw found that in the 2005-2006 school year, teachers spent and average of $552 on school supplies and instructional material (Dyrli, 2008).Some school systems have found themselves in court over the idea of providing a free education while asking parents to pay for school activities. In April 2006, the Indiana Supreme Court struck down Evansville-Vanderburgh School Districts $20 school activity fee, saying it was the equivalent of tuition charge and therefore violated the state constitution. The money was used to pay for music, drama, nurses, school counselors, alternate education and other needs. This fee was an attempt by this school system to balance the budget (Darden, 2010).One of the perks that teachers could look forward to during tax season is the tax doctrine offered to teachers. California Public School teachers in 2004 found out ri ght before school started that they would no longer be able to deduct the cost of school supplies from their taxes. California cancelled its Teachers Retention Tax Credit, hoping to save about $400 million over two years (Vail, 2004). Nationally, teachers have similar, though much lower tax program for supplies. Most school districts have classroom budgets for such expenses, but teachers frequently dip into their own pockets to supplement the budget.The general public does not understand how much teachers spend out of their own pockets just to be able to do their jobs, but they do it because its the best for the students and they wishing the students to learn, achieve and be successful (Vail, 2004). Tax payers have invested considerable resources in the nations public schools. However, increasing funding if education has not led to similarly improved student performance (Lips at. e. , 2008). School systems across the country are now looking for ways to supplement their restricted a nd strained budgets.Many are looking at purchasing refurbished computers, recycled classroom materials, charging fees to parents and adding more supplies to back-to-school list. While these efforts are not in vain they are only a starting point. School district are going to have to solicit funding from private corporations, form partnerships with business in community and find raise to help supplement declining funds. What does this mean for students and teachers? Teachers continue to purchase classroom materials essential to help students master core goals.Students are having to adjust to larger classrooms, sharing materials and equipment while goals and standards continue to rise. Teachers will have to bear the burden to meet federal mandates while working with less than adequate supplies. These barriers will force teacher and parents to provide creative alternatives for learning and building stronger relationships with each other in order to provide students with more learning op portunities.Reference Darden, E. (May, 2007). School law show me the money. American School get on with Journal, 44-45. Dyrli, K. (2008). School supplies on a budget. World Wide Web. htp//www. DistrictAdministraton. com. Froese, V. (1997). The relationship of school materials and resources to reading literacy An international perspective. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Lips, D. , Watkins, S. , and Fleming, J. (2008). Does spending more on education improve academic achievement? Backgrounder The Heritage Foundation of America, 2179. Trainor, C. (2010). The other three rs. American School Board Journal, 50-51. Vail, K. (2004). Tax credit for school supplies? Maybe not. American School Board Journal, 8.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Redcrosse Knight
Nurgul Zhanabayeva Alva Robinson Survey of English Literature 9 November, 2012 A Comparison between Beowulf and Redcrosse ennoble At all times both history and people wanted heroes, who would be ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a nation. As the history changed for the better or for the worst, there were written a lot of literature works about the heroes of a time, who had devoted their courageous deeds to people. Beowulf and Redcrosse Knight ar the examples of such blameless heroes in two different percentage points, The Middle Age and The Early Modern Period.The story of Beowulf shows the spread of rescuerianity in the early Danish paganistic society that valued undismayed deeds and bravery above all else. Beowulfs heroism is shown in three separate conflicts, those with Grendel, Grendels mother, and the sea monster. The pouf Queen is written during the period Christianity had been spread among people protagonist Redcrosse knight represents a virtue of Holiness , and he is the only Christian fighting against evil. Beowulf and Redcrosse be example heroes, embodying traits typical of heroes courage, and good deeds. The Faerie Queen, written during the Early Modern Period, narrates a big change in Christian religious thoughts and practices. Redcrosse Knight offers his armed service to Gloriana, Queen of Fairyland. Una, representing truth, tells that the dragon of hell has captured her parents and that she of necessity help in getting them free. Redcrosse decides to get her parents released . This demonstrates a hero, he will undergo umpteen severe trials and fight fierce monsters and this in itself is a consultation of a heroic knight. Not only does his armour protect his body and those who were with him, but also being a Christian.He has the protection of Christ. For the Christian in roam to be holy, he must have a true faith. Much of Beowulf is devoted to expressing and demonstrating the hero, in whom strength, courage, loyalty to a na tion, hospitality, generosity, political skill and good record among all people is valued. These are of great importance to such warrior societies as a way of understanding their relationships to the world and the danger waiting outside their borders. Redcrosse Knight, on the other hand, is a chivalrous hero. He must defeat villains who represent the untrue RomanChurch. The qualities of loyalty, humility, sacrifice for the good of others, and sympathy for those who are less fortunate are described in the text as well as the negative consequences from greed and pride. He meets several evildoers, the dragon from hell, the evil sorcerer Archimago, Sansfoy and Sansloy, who has no faith, the liar and representative of the Roman Church, Duessa/Fidessa, and many others. These evildoers fight Redcrosse Knight through deceit, lust, and untruth. Therefore he must be armed with faith in Christ to larn the evils of the spiritual realm.As we can see, equally Beowulf and Redcrosse Knight have a vast amount of bravery. They both defeat enemies that attack or capture innocent people. They both constantly pray to Christ for help to win evil they meet and to have sympathy for those who suffer. These qualities, idealized by thanes and knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honour, and gallantry toward women are visible in both Beowulf and Redcrosse Knight. One difference is that women in the Old English Period are not as important as those in Middle age period. We see this in both poems. In Beowulf we only hear about Wealhtheow, Hrothgars queen, and Grendels mother.However in The Faerie Queene, we see many women causes, Gloriana, Una, Duessa/Fidessa, Lucifera (Hell), Caelia (Heavenly), Fidelia (Faith), Sperenza (Hope), and Charissa (Charity). In some way or another, Redcrosse and Beowulf have connections to these women, either good or bad. Additionally both heroes have a meeting with a character from hell. Beowulf dives into the lake, which is a personification of hell, where Grendels mother is waiting to attack. He cannot cut her with his sword, so he tosses it away and finds a larger sword killing Grendels mother by cutting her head off.He sees Grendels dead body nearby and cuts off his head as a trophy and returns to Denmark . This expresses an important virtue, loyalty. Redcrosse Knight fights Lucifera (Queen of Hell) and other evildoers. He has been weakened by his visit to the House of Pride. Although he had the instinctive good sense to flee from that castle, his conscience is still at work. This misadventure brings him near to death in the dungeon of Orgoglio, a giant that represents godless pride. Arthur, that represents magnificence, comes along and helps Redcrosse rise up from his lowest state.Redcrosse also defeats the dragon. Here he is compared to Christ descended to hell to win Satan. Redcrosse enters the mouth of the dragon and finally kills it by the help of The Tree of Life and The Well of Life, which are the grace of God given to se rviceman and which helps Christian in danger. No matter how well equipped or prepared the Christian is, he cant win the evil without the help of God. A message is given here, a true Christian with all his humility counts on God. Another similarity of both these warriors is rewards for being heroes, however in very different ways.After Beowulf kills Grendel, he is considered the greatest hero in Danish history. Hrothgar says that Beowulf will never lack for riches, the horses and men of the Geats were all richly adorned, and a troupe was held to celebrate Beowulfs victory. Redcrosse Knight, on the other hand, will contract his reward in heaven. If he continues to live sinless and fight against evildoers he will receive eternal life. The battle will not end until the end of the world, when Christ will tell which religion is false and which is true. Meanwhile, a Christian believes that honour is gained by good deeds and glory lies in afterlife.In both poems, Beowulf and Redcrosse Kni ght developed from heroic warriors, who have such qualities as courage, generosity, sacrifice for the good of others, into wise leaders. Beowulf rises from a fearless warrior to a reliable king and Redcrosse Knight finally becomes St. George, the patron saint of England. Both showed the necessary characteristics to become very successful nobles. Though these two outlooks are somewhat oppositional, each character acts as society dictates. Beowulf acted as a hero-warrior and Redcrosse as a chivalric-warrior. However, their Christian values are somewhat similar.The images of warrior presented in both poems are significant roles that are important to Christian life Faith and Holiness. References Auerbach, Erich, Mimesis Representation of Reality in Western Literature, Translated by Willard Trask, Princeton Princeton University Press, 1971. Hadfield Andrew, The Faerie Queen, Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2001. Heaney, Seamus, Beowulf A New Verse Translation, New York ed. , 2001. Niles, John. D, Beowulf The Poem and Its Tradition, Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1983.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Explain Augustine’s temporal paradox
Augustines temporal paradox can be explained by starting with our typical beliefs nearly date, to wit the past does not exist, the future is yet to exist and scarcely the present actually exists. However the actual universe of discourse of the present has no period because it immediately becomes the past or the future the moment we try to isolate it. In the words of St. Augustine, The present hath no space. The temporal paradox refers to the existence only of the present which however does not have a duration.Following this temporal paradox and Augustine treated time in ontological terms, i.e. in congress to the nature of organism and existence. We derive the notion of time by perceiving something that has passed, something that exists and something that will exist in the future. Time is embodied and manifested by the duration of things that come into being to the present that passed away in an incessant continuum of past and future. Consequently, material things move from non e existence to existence to non existence (past, present and future).The perpetuation of the time continuum entails that the approximation expects, and attends, and remembers, so that what it expects passes by way of what it attends to into what it remembers. (Augustine, 2002, p236) What the mind expects is the future, what is remembers is the past and what it attends to at the moment is the present, which is what exists. Attending to the present does not refer to our location or inhabitance in this time continuum but ones capturing of the immediate past in the memory. This is precisely because the present has no duration or no space and it is only through memory that we can attend to it.For St. Augustine, even time is created by God and therefore he is beyond the continuum of the time series to which people and all some other things are bound. God is in a state of Eternal Now, where the present, past and future are at all once. However, while St. Augustines thinking of time is v ery revolutionary, it nevertheless has critical repercussions that run inconsistent which Christian principles which he originally wanted to justify and defend.With the past and future all hazard in the present for God, people therefore are already predestined to what will happen to them. People were not really given the gift of pick or freewill but are doomed to end up to how God have designed their world. What seemed to be a series of choices for people in this space of time is actually a finished or done design for God. (Von Martelsand Schmidt, V, 2003, p79-102)2-Imagine that Russell and Berkeley are sitting across from each other at skirt. write a short dialogue (about 500 words) that captures each philosophers views with respect to the ontological status of the give in. Be sure to bring out areas of agreement and disagreementIn govern to appreciate Bishop Berkeley, one must number 1 fully understand that ontology focuses on the nature of essence and meaning of being. Ber keley is a major proponent of subjective idealism in which ultimately argues that the world including all the material objects are not real but are mere collections of perceptions of human experience, which is what is real. It highlights that significance of mind to begin with matter and the preordained connection of mind and body.Thinking is function that people constantly do, consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously in relating to their environment. The mind is essential to be considered in intelligence the nature of the universe because everything entailed the consciousness of the mind. Thus, the universe is the product of the mind. (Bourgeois, 2003, 162-163)Berkeley will not deny that the table being observed is definitely real but it of necessity to be subjected to ones consciousness before we know it is real. Moreover, the real essence of the table or that which makes a table what it is resides in the idea of the table which is in the mind of God. It does not rest on th e physical table which we perceived because our experiences of the table vary. While we see the table is brown, solid and smooth, our experience of the brownness, solid state or smoothness of the table differs. There is a disparity between what at we perceive and what is real.Russell agrees with Berkeleys idea that the act of perception is subject on the mind but the mind is only the mental functioning of the brain hence, the perceptions therefore do not actually exist in the mind. We only get to have a mental idea of what a table is through our perception of the physical table. Perception is the prime source of knowledge (Engel, S., 2001, p 250-260).Knowledge is mainly based on the acquisition, interpretation, selection and organization of information what we perceive. In Bertrand Russells own words, our ideas are derived from two sources, sensation, and perception of the operation of our own mind, which may be called internal sense. (Russell, 2004, p556) Hence, we form our idea of table from the perception.This approximation of what reality through our senses, despite differences in the intensity of what brownness, solidness and smoothness of the table is real knowledge we can establish by observation and generalization. Incidentally, this is the underlying philosophy of science. In the end, we gain our knowledge about the table not from an inborn idea of a table but through an observation of the table.We know that a table is brown, solid and smooth, irregardless of the intensity of these descriptions from different people. Perception is the first step and degree towards knowledge and the inlet of all the materials in it. (Russel, 2004, p556) And that is what is real regardless of the ideal table that we can conceive.ReferencesAugustine and Outler, A. (2002). The Confessions of St. Augustine. Translated by Albert Cook Outler. Courier capital of Delaware PublicationsBourgeois, W. (2003). Persons What Philosophers Say about You. 2nd edition. Wilfrid Laurie r Univ. Press.Engel, S. (2001). The Study of Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield,Russell, B. (2004). History of Western Philosophy. 2nd edition. RoutledgeVon Martels, Z. R. W. M. and Schmidt, VM. Antiquity Renewed Late Classical and Early Modern Themes. PREDESTINATION AND THE breathing out OF DRAMA FROM AUGUSTINE TO CALVIN by MB Pranger. Peeters Publishers
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Financial accounting standards Essay
The income statement, which portrays the financial performance of the company, is also described in the financial statements elements. Income and expenses from ordinary activities atomic number 18 recognised as the main elements of such(prenominal) statement, which when matched result in a profit or loss for the period. Capital maintenance adjustments are also pointed out, which may topic the income statement. This arises from the restatement of assets and liabilities that may eventually influence the equity of the firm (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 61-64).The measurement bases utilized in order to compute the monetary amounts of the assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and use of goods and services noted above are also outlined in the framework. There are five main measurement bases recognized in the accountancy framework, which are explained below Historical Cost such measurement bases states that assets are recorded at the historical, which is normally the dat e of purchase. This implies that the value of the asset at the date of attainment is the one portrayed in the Balance Sheet. For example, if a motor vehicle costing $8,000 is bought.The $8,000 historical cost value will be adopted as its measurement bases. As regards liabilities, the amount of change obligation arising at the inception of the transaction will also be utilized as the measurement means. each payments that are eventually undertaken to cover such liability are diminished from that amount. This is most common method adopted in practice by business concern organizations. However, when the need arises, such measurement bases are promulgated with other methods in order to portray a more true and fair financial scenery (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 70-71). Current Cost as its name implies, assets are recorded at the current amount of cash and cash equivalents that would be essential if a similar was going to be purchased. Under such measurement bases, li abilities are obdurate according to the undiscounted cash obligation necessary to settle such commitment (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 70). Realizable value this method is similar to the current cost one, with the exception that assets value is computed in line with the equivalent damage that the present asset can attain if disposed in the market.The value of liabilities under such measurement bases is the same to the historical cost one. That is liabilities are determined in line with their settlement value (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 70). Present value this encompasses that assets are recording according to the present discounted value of the envisaged cash inflows that such asset will provide to the organization in its day-to-day business activities. Liabilities are also valued at the present discounted value of the expected cash outflows entailed in the foreseeable future (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 70).The creation of capital and capital maintenance is the last basic principle covered by the news report framework. The principle of capital under a financial side comprises the invested assets by the owner, which are identical to the equity or net assets value. Under the physical concept of capital, it entails the operating ability. That is the productive power of the organization (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 72).The concept of capital mentioned in the previous paragraph leads to the proceeding concepts of capital maintenance financial Capital Maintenance profit/loss is computed under such concept as the difference between the financial value of the net assets at the reverse of the year and the financial value of the net assets at the commencement of the financial year (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 72). The fair value measurement bases, which is a new-made valuation method abides with such concept. Physical Capital Maintenance profit in this case focuses on the productiv e ability of the corporation.That is the excess of physical mathematical product at the end of the year when compared with that of the beginning forms up the profit figure (International Accounting Standards 2000, p 73). 2. The principles outlined in the framework do not fare a direct influence on the intended parties. It holds an indirect affect by affecting the accounting standards issued by the recognized accountancy board. Such accounting standard will then have a direct influence on the accounting treatment of specific items and on the presentation of accounting information. thence the framework acts as a yardstick that guides the development of accounting standards. It is a generic document that narrows the range of alternatives that can be adopted during the standard range process (Foster M. J. et al 2001, p 1,2).Further more, the framework aids the communication process in the Financial Accounting Standards Board, both internally and externally. Through the espousal of a generally accepted accounting framework, the message of the Financial Accounting Standards Board would be more easy to be communicated to accountants in the respective industries (Foster M. J. et al 2001, p 2).
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper and the Swimmer
Denial is the refusal to recognize or ac do itledge information. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and bath Cheever intriguing stories display the attempt of two characters through with(predicate) imagery and symbolism. In the icteric paper, Charlotte Gilman demonstrates the oppression of women by society bit screening the struggle to be set free. Alternatively, whoremaster Cheever conveys the ignorance of a mans d knowledgefall through time. However, the chickenhearted paper and the swimmer both show gradual hurt of man as the characters oppress their problems while they strive to fit in with the norms of society.The yellow wallpaper takes the readers on a journey that captures the mind through the powerful and vivid imagination of the narrator written diary showing imagery through her delivery and thoughts. Suppressed by her dominant husband, the creative narrator finds escape through her writing, which she uses to tell her taradiddle. The story begins when a socially accepted husband, a physician, tries to fix his wife to fit the standard of society nevertheless, it only leads to her destruction.Forced to be normal, so I take pains to control myself, she puts on a facade to retain her coupling and social standing by acting as though her depression has not won the struggle. (Gilman) The swimmer, a journey of time that indicates the invigoration of a man living in denial as the old age or possibly years goes by. invigoration in a high classed suburbia, had a vague and base idea of himself as a legendary figure, Ned thinks highly of himself and less of others. Cheever) He feels as though he could do anything, a brave explorer he was, set on an adventure to put over the county of swimming consortiums or as he called it Lucinda River. As he embarks on his journey he encounters confused people of who was or is c drop off to him. Although motivated by alcohol through the story, it served as an escape from earthly concern and social acceptance. From p ool to pool Ned gets weaker and less reluctant to go on as the season changes. The characters of Charlotte Perkins and John Cheever, both suffering from denial of their situations, each find coping methods to release their anxiety.Through creative writing the narrator of the wallpaper, was able to release her thoughts and tell her story, I did write in spite of them, her only method of tactual sensation as though she was being heard by someone or something in the yellow wallpaper. (Gilman) eyepatch Ned mastered the art of denial and heavy drinking of alcohol, willed his mind to forget and distort his unhappy thoughts. Living in a world of bliss, he forgets about his friends illness, moving away of friends and family, and his own misfortune. Depression, Loneliness, and confusion engulfed the narrator of the wallpaper, confinement broke her.During the time of Charlotte Gilman, Postpartum depression was said to be unstable nervous depression a slight hysterical tendency(Gilman). Wi th her illness, she was uneffective to perform her role as a mother nurturing her child or as wife tending to her husband needs, rendering her useless. clan in these roles, women at the time were seen as domestic and unable perform any other task. The yellow wallpaper clearly evinces the oppression by her husband, I am absolutely forbidden to work until I am well again Personally, I disagree with his ideas . . . , although she disagrees with the treatment, she has no say whatsoever when it comes to the matter of her illness, John does what he thinks is right for her. (Gilman) John decided that the best cure was the rest cure, meaning no brain stimulating activities while lying in a room confined. The narrator of the wall paper, having had to go through the resting cure, began to find comfort with inanimate objects. As a man in John Cheever time, a man was said to be the head of the household who provided for his family. Ned as a man and husband was unable to perform his duties as a family provider therefore didnt fit to the standards of society.Through his mastery of denial, he began to lose friends, his wife, mistress, and kids. Those who he thought would always be there, moved on with their lives without the realization of Ned. Swimming from swimming pool to swimming pool he encounters a lot of his neighbors as he uses his trip as a distraction. Indeed it gave him comfort scarce also made him realize that he has been out of touch with reality. non only does he see the changes as he goes from home to home, he experiences the full impact when he comes home to any empty house he expected to be filled with his family.The yellow wallpaper and the swimmer share similar characteristics. With the characters both suffering from mental illness and addictions, both prove to be on a mission to be accomplished The yellow wallpaper narrator seek closeness to do as she pleases, as the swimmer sought after absolutely bliss in life with no consequences. With both wants unattainable, they began alone and end up alone with no one to truly boot for them, each being dissatisfied they turn to inanimate objects for their source of attention.The narrator only source of warmth was the yellow wallpaper she despised so much, which shows her loneliness. She draw ins the wallpaper as having a smell a funny odor I have spent hours to analyze it, to find what it smelled like (Gilman). She claims that john doesnt know how much she suffers, which shows how little time he spends with her. Her loneliness only gets her more infatuated with the yellow wallpaper, which sidereal day by day she seems to find something new and creepy. The yellow wallpaper in a sense seems to describe her in a way.She describes a char muliebrity behind the walls, who is trapped and unable to break through or maybe many women who have tried to climb out but had been strangled by the pattern. The woman behind the wallpaper in a sense describes the narrator. The wallpaper symbolizes he r husband and family members holding her trapped, trapped with their words and confinement of the room. She describes the woman as wanting to break free, meaning she is looking for a way out, a way to free herself and show who she really was.The many heads she describes the many times she has tried to escape but failed or for the many other women who have tried but failed. Her final decision to break the woman free was an view of herself saying that she has had enough and it was time to become who she really was. Ripping the wallpaper was an expression of tearing away the heavy shackles put upon her to free her mind, to free herself mentally and physically from her husband and her facade of happiness. Ned journey through the county displayed his whole life.The swimming pools and weather change was an expression of time as it flowed by quickly. At the beginning of the story he describes it as being warm but as the story ends it becomes chilly. The weather describes the way he felt, being warm was his high point of happiness, when it became chilly it showed that he has last seen the reality that he lives in time stops for anyone. The attitudes of the people he visited as he swam their pool changed as he went from pool to pool, from welcoming to trying to get rid of him, he showed a irregular of loneliness as realization followed that he would be forever alone.Charlotte Gilman and John Cheever intriguing stories showed the reader a side to their times and ages, showing the ideal male pride and female oppression. Charlotte Gilman character gradual loss of reality due to the characters around her, shows that one should be left to be free. John Cheever conveys the gain of reality as Ned sees the life of loneliness built around him. Furthermore, one cannot always fit the ideal of society.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Abundance of drama Essay
She and the other girls give the produces of innocent people who had nonhing to do with witchcraft going away the crop with a prominent hysterical close as all(a) the girls try to cleanse themselves of the foe with Beelzebub hinting at the future prospects of the childs command. The snatch steadily builds up to when Tituba is acc physical exercised at the end of the act of witchcraft. Each ingredient of the, story, which we know is hearsay, is added until it adds together and there is sufficient evidence for her to be accused by Hale.The story, which has been building, takes a turn and instead of the inquisitive nature of which it started, it becomes more action orientated and becomes a name and shame game where people atomic number 18 incorrectly commoved and gives a dramatic effect to the audience. This terminal exam dramatic scene of the act is lay there to end the act with a mini bloom of the story and to keep the audience interested and wanting more. Act two begins with a long conversation between reminder and his wife.They have words nearly the every day things save the present directions and language milling machine uses, like the scene with watch and Abigail, strongly projects the dramatic effect on the audience and emotions of the relationship. admonisher is not at ease with his wife, the atmosphere appears tense and uncomfortable. He attempts to make conversation, are you well today? which is not the sort of thing a husband would say to his wife. He tries to make her happy by complimenting her its well seasoned and grinning.It is obvious that the atmosphere could be cut with a knife as light as he can depicts that he is carefully choosing his words and trying to be a corking husband but desperately trying not to bring up the affair. besides it is not in vain as Goody Proctor reacts warmly to him, blushing with pleasure giving an inkling that she liquid sleep withs him. Though the feeling is that of betrayal and guilt there is a warm, gentle fragment of loyalty and love emancipated out of their conversation, which proves they still both feel love towards one another.bloody shame Warren comes in to the house-hold to discuss the events which took place in capital of Oregon earlier on and that, Aye a proper motor hotel they seduce now. Theyve sent four judges out of Boston, and that 39 women have been accused of witchcraft. She then proceeds to talk about the accused and that Mrs Proctor has been accused. This shocks them and that Rebecca nurse has likewise been accused, as she is a well-respected person in the Salem community and adds to the drama.Both of the women have enemies who wish to destroy them (Abigail and Mrs Putnam) and two rival factions are now all the way taking form, Goody Proctor is arrested. The home scene between Proctor and his wife is placed originally she is arrested to dramatically show how innocent and plain Goody Proctor was and the contrast of her seeing John in the wrong by her beingnessness arrested, this dramatically portraits injustice. Proctors actions towards the arrest of his wife are dramatic as he runs out adding to the action and pace of the scene, I will not have her chained The fact he will not have her chained when they are authorised to do so indicates conflict and gives drama, the use of an apostrophe shows his anger once more adds gives a dramatic effect to the audiences Towards the end of the act mash is placed on a character this time it is Mary who is being pressurised by the now untrained Proctor due his wifes imprisonment. Proctor tries to force Mary to tell the court about the poppet which Mrs Proctor was arrested for, You will tell the court how the poppet come here. Mary claims she cannot, which she repeats and she begins to cry.Proctors language creates his mentality with the omnipotence of his language and the harsh anger which has construct up inside to terrify Mary to get her to divulge her information to the court, Ay e naked And the wind will, gods icy wind will blow His use of the word icy creates the chilling ominous threat to all the people who are dishonest and shows that he himself would not do it or he would be severely hypocritical. This, from what he said, is the first indication of his dirt and ethical character and that Marys character is frail and easily manipulated both by Abigail and Proctor. non only does the dramatic complex body part give the end of the act a dramatic finish but also the end of the act uses language to get across the seriousness and religious terror being brewed in Salem. Act ternion is set in the courtroom, the cases are being investigated and the questions and debating ensues. Mary now forced by Proctor to support Goody Proctor tells the court that she lied the day before. However she shows her impuissance when she herself is blamed by Abigail, and cracks when Abigail condemns her by pretending that there is a spirit conjured by Mary, Let me go Mr Proctor, I cannot, I cannot.This leads to Proctor to loose his cool and condemn Abigail for doing all of this to spite him and to rid the humanness of his wife. He now has to admit to committing the sin of criminal conversation I have known her sir This leads us to the move point in the play. Proctor reveals to the court that his wife never tells a lie and that she would tell the court about his affair. By stating the truth it would obviously mean that she was telling the truth about the witchcraft and proving her white but would she be able to disgrace Proctors, name, which means so much to the people of the time level that the play was set.Millers dramatic structure brings the play to a mini climax if not the some important one by nifty structuring of the play the play reaches a cross-roads. If Goody Proctor tells the truth it undermines everything that Abigail has said and shows her as a liar and everyone wrongly accused is released and brings about the end of court. But if she l ies it means that all the people who have kept their morality and not lied will be charged. It defines the future of the factions and the play, having been built up throughout the opening acts.This is well dramatically structured to create round unpredictability and a sense of curiosity as to how it will end. She is brought in and interrogated. Goody Proctors body language portraits the tension liking her lips to stall for time now created in the court, as they all know this is the defining moment. She thinks about what she should say and glances at Proctor looks for help. In, agony, she answers the questions. Hard thought and constant tranquil pauses build the pressure within the room, Is your husband a lecher? Danforth the judge asks her. No. The pressure is raise and the stomach churning feeling of the characters and audience takes over, this is summed up by the comment, oh god when Goody Proctor realises what shes done. But by lying, going against everything she stands for. She obviously forgives Proctor as she took one for him when he had committed adultery this shows the romantic drama that she loves him so much she would give up her morals for his name. Abigail then starts off again pretending to draw attention on to herself, that Mary is conjuring spirits and uses her power to create luck hysteria.Miller liberally uses exclamation marks to emphasise the shouting and adding to the general madness of the courtroom. Abigails actions are dramatised and create a lot of fear, Abigail pointing with fear and which is added to by having all the girls at once shouting. It gives a ugly representation that the girls are possessed by some sought of satanic spirit. Mary shifts the blame onto Proctor who is then accused by the court. This is dramatically used as the story declines after the climax in act three and the story needs to be built up quickly to reach the final climax.In Act four this is done by the hysteria and the fact that Proctor is now being bla med by Abigail and ironically the reason the trouble started was because she wanted him, now she is getting rid of him and achieving nothing. In Act four Proctor has an emotional talk with his wife as she tries to persuade him to confess and be released. Miller goes to work on giving the audiences heart strings a quarter using again language and stage actions to show the emotions of love and despair and create a great sense of drama using dramatic devices.Goody Proctor has forgiven him and believes whatever, he does it is good man that does it, and thinks she host him to have an affair. She states that, John, I counted myself so plain, so poorly made no honest love could come to me Suspicion kissed you when I did. She thinks that there was nothing to love about her and before it was not her who kissed him but personified. This also implies that now when they talk and hold each other it is pure love for the first time in their relationship bringing a sense of romanticism to the ord eal that theyve been through.Millers dramatically structure places the conversation before the final and ultimate climax to act as the calm before the besiege and to increase the pressure on John and ultimately be decisive to the final sequence of events. Proctor is to be hung but because he was persuaded he confesses but all the official figures want his vindication in writing. By doing this he is giving up his, name. He realises that he will die before he will give up his name and rips up his life which he had signed.This then brings us to the most powerful and dramatic action within the whole play in my opinion as, His breast heaving, his look staring, Proctor tears up the paper and crumples it, and he is weeping in fury, but still erect. This shows that he will not sign away his, name, showing his courage. He has thrown away his life but still stands erect, theyve pushed him all the way physically and mentally but he has not travel keeping his dignity, ethics and pride, whi ch we know mean so much to him as does his life which is why it is so dramatic.Miller has created a twist luring the audience in with Goody Proctors persuasion, hooking them in with signing the confession but masking the fact he was to rip up his life, and die for what he believes and becoming a type of martyr or tragic hero. Millers, The Crucible, is structured to gain dramatic effect. Each act takes on the same structure and has very similar properties. The first two scenes to begin with build up information about distinguishable events, which take place off stage.All acts build up to a climax, giving away hints about the next act and each act ends with pressure being placed on a certain character. Act one it is Tituba act two it is Mary act three Mary and Mrs Proctor and act four John Proctor. The Crucible is a fitting name for the play as a crucible is a melting pot, which eventually displaces the pure from the waste. Which also happens in the play each act is a small melting p ot as in act one, the different things are added by way of the story being built up and then heated. The heat in act one is Hale and overall the whole play is a melting pot.The story built up, the heat added by the way of the court and the pure displaced from the waste. The pure, being the characters that wouldnt pass on the blame because they were too strong and would not give up their morals. The irony is that the people who deserved to be killed i. e. Abigail and capital of France compared to the remorseful Proctor and the innocent Rebecca nurse. Miller created a dramatic play by incorporating dramatic language, stage directions and the play is structured in such a way that it gives the audience an abundance of drama.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Is the Customer “Always Rightâ€Â
Is The Customer Always Right? Abstract The client is ceaselessly discipline. It is the merchandisers wealth to safeguard the interests of customers. Many sellers designate that slightly the customer is un causal agencyable and vulgar. Customer is forever and a day secure for three reasons. First, the customer is always right is not the criterion of distinguished between right and wrong but is the criteria of the service work because the focus of the work is how to service customers make the right superiors, and how to show good service to customers. Next, understand the psychology of the customer stand help employees easily cope with them.It is roll in the hay make the seller crack serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of gladness. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, laughingstock improve the quality of companies and salespeople. The example of Apple and Nokia demonstrates that picky customers can make the seller better serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of satisfaction. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Like Zhang (as cited in Gluckman, the last paraphrase 2012) said we will always be wrong. So we will do betterIs The Customer Always Right? The customer is always right. Many people dont think so, because when customers offer into a store, the clerk gives many assorted kinds of merchandise for them to choose from. However some customers will complain about the products. Some sellers think that some customers are picky and reasonless. Nevertheless, no matter what kinds of the customers go into the store, regardless of the attitudes and tempers, they are Gods, since they bring large add up of profit for the business. Therefore, customer is always right and I have three reasons.First of all, the customer is always right is the goal of service work, not distinguishing between right and wrong. Also, the slogan the customer is always ri ght can be seen in many companies. However many people do not understand it or misunderstand the original meaning of this slogan. The customer is always right is not to judge the rights and wrongs of the matter. It means that companies to do their utmost best to create a good environment for the customers make guests to enjoy quality service, and to pick up the quests feel they have received good value no matter when and where.As Ray Miller (2012) stated, It does not matter who is right and who is wrong. For this sentence a customer may have his or her sustain ideas, and maybe these ideas are wrong or misguided. If pointed out that the customer is wrong, it will make things worse Do not need to care about right and wrong with customers as a service industry. How to help customers make the right choices, and how to provide good service to customers that is the focus of service work. Secondly, understand the psychology of the customer can help employees easily cope with them, but h ow do they cope when the customer is picky?When customers walk into a store, the clerk take out the merchandise give him the choice, more than half of customers are very(prenominal) critical. Frequently, customers dont want to buy something maybe have three reasons show off aver appreciative, looking for an excuse to demand for lower prices and thinking its too expensive, as a reason of do not buy it. Understanding these reasons, employees can more easily seel products. Actually, a salesman ordinarily has three purposes he or she hopes the transaction is successful, hopes customers come again, and hopes the customers to introduce other customers to the business, because a friendly staff.Therefore, understanding customer psychology is a discipline. Serving customers as serving themselves, therefor they can provide a higher level of satisfaction. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, can improve the quality of companies and salespeople because many good advises from some customers. By contrast, Xiaoyao (2102) noted in The difference between Apple and Nokia that ten years ago, Nokia mobile phone change was first place staler. With the advancement of technology peoples requirements is also rising.Because of the discerning of customers, Apple innovate their products to satisfy a clients needs. However, Nokia did not think that this is important. So, Apple exceeded Nokia less than a decade. Even though some vulgar and unreasonable customer think they always right, a simple philosophy said by Zhang (Gluckman, 2012) we always think we are wrong and only take the customers need as right can impel company carry on realistic reason of social activities is society advance and effect that develop. In a highly competitive market, customers have a wide right of freedom choice and to purchase the commodity.In fact, the customer also can fire anyone in the company, because they can spend money in other places that make customer like a boss. In my opinion, the customer is a consumer of goods and services and is the infantry source of enterprise. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Therefore, business should consider the come to the fore from the customers point of view and its crucial to put customers satisfaction and their interests at first stage. Following this standard will improve sales and our profits.In other words, there would be no profit if on customers bought products. Hence, taking care of the interests of the guests is to take care of the business own interests. As Zhang (Gluckman, 2012) said we will always be wrong. So we will do better compose Miller, R. (2012). Is the customer always right? Retrieved from http//www. thetrainingbank. com/article_is_the_customer_always_right. htm Gluckman, R. (2012). Every Customer Is Always Right. Forbes, 189(9), 38-40. Xiaoyao (2010,7). The difference between Apple and Nokia Retrieved from http//www. williamlong. information/archives/2236. html 1
Friday, May 17, 2019
Effective Working Knowledge of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Hipaa) Essay
In case of a late inlet (addendum) in one, shadow chart or independent database, that is used to add information to a preceding entry must have the title addendum, date, time, the reasons of creating the addendum referring back to the original entry ( level-headed Medical Records Standards). cultivation technology staff can help decrease incidents of security breaches by implementing screen protectors in only computers, by providing logging accreditation to all personnel, by using network security software and hardware, by monitor the safety of the network and by educating, reporting and enforcing any HIPAA violation.In case of disclosure of unauthorized protected medical checkup information such as providing a copy of medical records to a friend of a enduring without written authorization from the patient may allow in fines and imprisonment to the institution and individuals mired in such HIPAA violation. HIPAA defines as criminal the use or disclosure (by individuals or in stitutions) of confidential medical information of a patient for any other purposes than treatment, payment, or health disturbance operations. Such violations call for fines and/or imprisonment (Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality).According to the Montana Code 41-1-402 the healthcare provider can obtain a legal consent for prevention, diagnosis or treatment from a minor (without adult supervision) if the minor is gradatory from high school, have a child, lives alone and supports him (her) self, is pregnant, infected with a infectious disease, is under the influence of intoxicant or drugs. In the case of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases or substance abuse the healthcare provider is obligated to provide counseling to the minor or refer the minor for counseling.Finally, in case of pinch the health provider can provide emergency care without consent and must inform the parents or legal guardians as soon as possible. One situation from Montana Code 50-16-603x which may result in a legal claim against the organization can be if the health care provider fails to report any communicable disease (such as tuberculosis) to the proper authorities resulting in a potency health risk to the population and penalties to the organization and health care provider which committed such HIPAA violation.In the case of a minor unable to consent or rack up decisions (due to a mental delineate or conscious state) and the absence of parents or legal guardians, two medical doctor must make all medical decisions on his behalf including cardio pulmonary resuscitation and termination of life support. Montana codes are in balance with HIPAA natural laws in the following clauses regarding release of personal health information (PHI). According to HIPAAs Privacy overshadow the individual has the right to inspect and request a copy of his PHI upon a writing authorization.Under HIPAA law the healthcare provider can allot PHI information with public health authorities for public health purposes such as prevention, statistics, research and education. Under HIPAA law the health care provider may share PHI to business associates for treatment, payment and healthcare operations (HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public health). 2. (c) A health care provider may deny access to health care information by a patient mentally impaired by disease, medications, drugs or alcohol used at the moment of the request ReferencesLegal Medical Records Standards, Annotated 2008. Retrieved from www. ucop. edu/ucophome/coordrev/ /legal-medical-record-policy. p Montana Code, Annotated 2009. Retrieved from http//data. opi. mt. gov/bills/MCA_toc/index. htm Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality. Retrieved from http//www. ahima. org/resources/psc. aspx HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public Health Guidance from CDC and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Annotated 2003. Retrieved from http//www. cdc. gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/m2e411a1. htm
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting
Compare and contrast the way the poets present a rustic military action? The cardinal numberss image of Haymaker 1890 by Molly Holden and Hay-making by Gillian Clarke portray rustic activity in a similar way. The poem Photograph of Haymaker 1890 consists of two stanzas and this could be plug ined to the fact that it is a reminiscing photo of a man who cuts hay. This shows the rustic activity due to the fact it is the poet possibly describing a sexual relation of hers working. Whereas, the poem Hay-making has three very short stanzas. We can get in touch the short, fast flowing stanzas with the fact that the call seems synonymous with love making.The poet Molly Holden cleverly uses the imagery of life and death end-to-end her poem Photograph of Haymaker. An example being to whet his scythe this conveys the message of death and an image of a unhinged reaper. Holden cleverly juxtaposes this with the dialect white shirt lit by another summers insolate. Gillian Clarke also uses an intriguing juxtaposition, these hot nights. This juxtaposition shows a sultry image of natural passion. You could also link this to rustic activity if you imagine a worker possibly working in the night time. The feelings of the two poems seem completely different from each other.Holdens poem, Photograph of Haymaker has a nostalgic tone he pausing from his work trousers tied below the knee. The phrases used give the connotation of the poet bringing game good memories. This is what photographs tend to do. Clarke uses enjambment as she does not use punctuations to break up the flow of her poem and this adds to the dreary tone. Towards the end of the poem we see more evidence of rustic activity. The poet Molly Holden uses enjambment throughout the last stanza, sweet hay and gone some seventy years ago and yet they brook before me in the sun.This enjambment gives the image of hay possibly falling down. We can link this to rustic activity if we create an image in our head of hay fa lling down in a country farm. Gillian Clarkes poem has an interesting caesura before the word Breathe, this can be seen as a command possibly suggesting how the ritual of harvesting is metaphorically inspirational. Another important phrase which is strongly linked to rustic activity is, in the scratch of the hay. The scratch of the hay creates a physical link between rural nature of a farm for instance and the act of benevolent love making. We can also say that this is onomatopoeia.
Focus Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Focus Report - Research Paper ExampleThe philosophy of crime prevention that I wish to push is to solve the task at its source. Homeland defense and hot immigration be inextricably intertwined in that much of the Homeland Defense policy of the United States has targeted illegal immigration. In a Working Paper entitled An Analysis of Migrant Smuggling Costs along the Southwest entrap (2010) by the Department of Homeland Security, it was found that stronger enforcement mechanisms led to a rise in smuggling costs, thusly effectively deterring illegal immigration crossways borders. Homeland defense and illegal immigration are inextricably intertwined in that much of the Homeland Defense policy of the United States has targeted illegal immigration. Much debate has raged every put in immigration policies in the United States. In the past, the United States had reached out with open arms to immigrants coming from outside shores, who want to make this country their home. As a result of this, we have seen America become a melting pot of cultures, offering its embrace to the poor and downtrodden. In many instances, however, social controversies had arisen as a result of the influx of immigrants. This is the current situation at hand. Conservative Ameri passels say that the government has coddled illegal immigrants farthermost too long, and given the current bleak state of the US economy, this is prejudicial to ordinary Americans citizens. Those of immigrant heritage, on the another(prenominal) hand, particularly the Latinos, call for less stringent immigration measures and continue to go to the US to escape the poverty and desperation in their home countries. Immigration policies are hotly contested and draw divisive lines across the nation. Peak (2009) has colorfully described illegal immigration efforts by the US government The UAVs use thermal and iniquity vision equipment to spot illegal immigrants they can detect movement from 15 miles of altitude, read a permission plate, and even detect weapons. In 39 days of border surveillance, the UAVs led to the apprehension of 248 illegal immigrants and the ictus of 518 pounds of marijuana. The vehicles are waist-high, weigh about 1000 pounds, have a 35-foot wingspan, fly faster than 100 miles an mo and can stay aloft for 20 hours at a time. A major problem that illegal immigration has created is the medicine problem. Terrorism is not simply an assault on freedom and democracy it can equally be an assault on the individual by creating do drugs dependence that leads to other lethal social effects. According to Peak (2009), more than half of all adult arrestees test positive for drug use at the time of their apprehension their drug use prior to incarceration is typically chronic. The problem of illicit drugs in the United States must be viewed against the backdrop of a well-oiled international drug trafficking interlock that has sustained the addiction of drug users and has lined the po ckets of those who profit from this addiction. Indeed, in order to address illicit drug use at its core, it is imperative to understand the workings of the drug trade the production, transport and distribution that takes place before eventual consumption. Many Americans assume that illicit drugs in the United States come from Latin America, without real understanding the dynamics between the drug cartels and the relationships of the players with each other. In truth, Colombian drug organizations and Mexican drug organizati
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 29
English - try ExampleEven as my father held the motorbike seat straight for me as I larn how to pedal fast in order to find my center of gravity, I could not help scarcely meet a few mishaps along the passageway to what I perceived to be travel emancipation at that time. It was not uncommon for me to go out with my father for a lesson and practice run in my two wheeled bit and then return with a few scrapes on the knees and elbow areas. by and by all, learning to push back a bike entailed some lessons that were designed to help me learn how to be a safe and accident free bicycle rider.All of the experiences that I had during the time that I was learning how to ride my bicycle helped me to become a very safe and responsible cyclist when I finally got up enough courage and guts to begin riding my bike to school. I remember that my parents were quite disturbed about letting me ride alone on the day that I announced I was straightaway to take my bicycle to school without any ba ck up from my father.What if, my dumbfound thought, I lost simplicity of the bicycle on the side walk and I ended up rolling into the main road? Who would stop my bicycle from veering onto the wrong path? What if I suddenly lost control of the bicycle? Who would grab the bike seat in order to keep me steady on it? What if... what if... I told my mother not to worry. I would not have decided to finally take my bicycle to school if I did not feel like I could take on the challenges that beset a cyclist on the way to school.Years later, I would be facing my parents with yet another request for a utter more or less more independent mode of transportation. I was now old enough to apply for a disciple permit that would allow me to enroll in driving school and allow me to drive in most areas provided I did so with a licensed driver in the front seat. Needless to say, my parents, my mother in particular was even more petrified at the thought allowing me to have not only access to the fa mily car, simply
Monday, May 13, 2019
Core Professional Competencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Core Professional Competencies - turn out ExampleThe artifact shows that the teacher has non only engaged in classroom activity, but he has also used it to teach them nigh their responsibilities while in the classroom. The artifact also fulfills another indispensability of CPC 6, which is to teach the educatees regarding appropriate school and overall social behavior. By making the children right rules, the teacher teaches them what the rules are, their immenseness while making them understand them well. It also serves as an effective strategy for reducing misbehaviors in the classroom as the artifact shows that the teacher also makes all the children sign on the rules, which means that the children would remember that they stomach promised to abide by the rules. Moreover, it would also make them feel that they were themselves responsible for bringing them in the first place, hence, the would not resent rules. By involving all of the children, the teacher also involves the na ughty kids in the activity, which makes them feel responsible. All in all, the artifact not only involves all children in a healthy discussion and activity, it also teaches them about their responsibilities and rights while in the classroom.A good teacher not only provides centralized attention to his classroom, he also provides individual attention to students who are in need of it. CPC 7 requires the teacher to develop individualised education plans for his students. Moreover, he also helps in closing the gap between the students with learning problems and behavioral issues. The artifact is an wonderful implementation of CPC 7, it is a touch math exercise program. This program has been used for a student of grade 2 who has dyspraxia. The child has problems in holding and gripping her pencil and writing her letter on line. She problems in basic computations and is not able to recall basic math functions such as asset and subtraction.The artifact shows that the teacher is fully aw are of the weakness of her students and
Poem Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Poem Explication - Essay ExampleSimple as it sounds, not alone the people develop this childish perception of the instauration, saturated and magical. But Berman with his accurate ad elaborated poetical vision is one of those poets who can describe something that can hardly be explained by words. In his The lure of 530 the author manages to show how his own perception of the reality allows him to make simple moments and sensations of lifetime bonny. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say, and when reading Bermans poem I have dumb that all these mild pleasures of life be free and accessible yet one needs to screen to experience them to the full extent.It is a white verse, the author did not want to stick to some troll or rhyme, and it looks like the words that create images are pouring out of his mind like water. It is realise that Berman wants to describe those moments which he appreciates in life, those fragile and light sensations that literally make this life worth brio (like discovering red tints in cola or meeting a friend or even thought about the lives of great people) and which are often left unnoticed by people who forget they are not dead yet. So I would suggest that the meaning of the poem was to depict valuable and charming manifestations of life in all their beauty. Berman chooses the central role in this verse, he is the observer and he is the speaker, and this adds to the credibility and sincerity of The Charm of 530.In most cases in order to write something or at least to try to write something people need the occasion. David Berman does the opposite- he does not look for occasion- he creates the occasion or uses the very process of living as the occasion in other words. For him his national world and the environment are equally charming. His thoughts, memories as well as the slightest movements in the outer world are worth of speaking about themWhat is noticeable is that Berman neglects all the sound devices using
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